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AI-powered Content Intelligence

How can you know if your assets will succeed before launching campaigns?
This is where AI-powered Content Intelligence comes into play 

Creating effective content is crucial for brand communication to inspire, engage, and convert users into customers.

However, the process can be complex and filled with uncertainties. How can you know if your assets will succeed before launching campaigns? This is where AI-powered Content Intelligence comes into play.


AI-powered Content Intelligence Activities

Predictive Analysis & Pre-testing

By using advanced AI algorithms, we can predict the performance of each asset, identifying the percentage of attention each area of the content (both photo and video) can capture as well as the cognitive load it generates, defining the immediacy in decoding the conveyed message.

A/B Testing

By preemptively comparing assets, you can choose the best creative based on data-driven insights, guiding the optimal choice before going live.

Why choose our AI-powered Content Intelligence service?

  • Data-Driven Approach to Content
    with AI, you gain deep and predictive insights into your audience's trends and preferences, allowing you to create better-performing content and have solid data backing the choice of creative assets for advertising campaigns.
  • Saving Time and Resources
    by predicting your content’s success before publication, you can enhance the effectiveness of your Content Production and focus on more strategic aspects.
  • Differentiation
    this approach allows you to position your brand in a unique and distinctive way compared to competitors.

This service is also available in a standard version, offering crucial strategic support for online advertising content creation activities. Want to know more?