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4TH MARCH 2025
Storeis is one of the FT1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies 2025

Also this year, Financial Times and Statista have selected us among the best European companies for growth and turnover

In particular, we reached 707 place out of 1000 in the ranking that lists the companies with the best growth rate of turnover and employees in Europe in the period 2020-2023, for the third consecutive year.


What is the FT1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies ranking?

The FT1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies ranking is compiled by Financial Times, one of the most influential financial newspapers recognized globally, in collaboration with Statista. Statista, a business platform that offers studies and insights on markets, companies, and consumers, provides more than a million statistics for 170 sectors and 150 countries.

The FT1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies ranking identifies each year the  European companies which are growing most rapidly

Specifically, thousands of companies across Europe are analyzed to define the 1000 with the highest turnover growth in the previous three years considered.

Companies are compared based on their compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the period 2020-2023. The increase of the turnover of Storeis between 2020 and 2023 has been +224%.


Want to know more?

Here you can see the entire FT1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies 2025 ranking 😊

Storeis is Leader della Crescita 2024

We were selected by Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista as one of the Leading Growth Companies 2024.

Storeis is Campione della Crescita 2023

We have been selected among the growth champions of 2023